The National Service craze is back...
Everyone seems to be checking whether they were selected to participate in the National Service for 2009..
One of my friend is really funny...
She's been selected...
But she doesn't wanna go..
Now she's IM-ing me on MSN asking me what to do..
She said she's crying too...
My opinion laa... Make the best out of it...
Coz if you don't go to the camp, you go straight to jail...
And ruin your life record for good..
I ask her what choice do you have laa..
The she say... GOT... DIE...
I was like WTF!!!!
Ruin your own life just to avoid a 4 month camp..
Worth it??
What kinda advise can you give to a person like this??
Write it in my chatbox and we'll see how it can help my friend...
Thursday, August 14, 2008 [DeathTeaM]†BlaNc† Sprayed.