Q. Why don't witches like to ride their brooms when they're angry?
A. They're afraid of flying off the handle!

Q. Who did Frankenstein take to the prom?
A. His ghoul friend.

Q. What do ghosts serve for dessert?
A. Ice Scream.

Q. What do witches put on their hair?
A. Scare spray.

Q. Why did the monster eat a light bulb?
A. Because he was in need of a light snack.

Q. What kind of mistakes do spooks make?
A. Boo boos.

Q. Why couldn't Dracula's wife get to sleep?
A. Because of his coffin.

Q: Why should a skeleton drink 10 glasses of milk a day?
A: It's good for the bones.

Q: What do baby ghosts wear on Halloween?
A: White Pillowcases.

Q: What was the witches' favorite subject in school?
A: Spelling.

Friday, October 27, 2006 [DeathTeaM]†BlaNc† Sprayed.
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